Netiquette & Netizen

Netizen is a term given to people who work, live and spend time on the internet. So, I’m also a netizen itself because I work and spend some time on the internet. Today, most people can be considered as netizen. Netizen means Net + citizen. 
 Netiquette means guidelines for posting messages to online services. When surfing the internet, people must follow certain standard or procedure to communicate with each other. The first rule of netiquette is “Do not capitalize everything” because it will make like you are shouting at people. Second is “Criticism” that means it is hard to interpret people mind in the internet. Third is “Avoiding Humor” that means some people don’t understand humor so used the emoticon to make it easier. Fourth is “Reply quickly” that is we should reply message to others quickly because it is not good to make others wait. Fifth is “multiple recipient” that is people should be careful to whom they are sending their email because we don’t want any problem to occur when we send wrong email to people.


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